2023-08-17 11:57 PM
I am currently trying to implement QRCode from qr-code-generator-library to display it on STM32F429I-DISC1 with TouchGFX. When I run it in the simulator on TouchGFX simulator it runs normally, but when I run it on the board it only shows whitescreen. after I see the debug results there is an error which I believe is from the heap screen storage. can anyone help me ?
2023-09-01 6:17 AM
Hello @Eshya ,
I can see you have defined your functions in the constructor of Screen1View. I suggest moving your initialization instructions in the Screen1View::SetupScreen() and see if you still encounter the issue. If the issue persists, you can increase the size of your application heap through STM32CubeMX 'ioc' file, -> Project Manager -> Linker Settings
I hope this would help you.