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B-LCD40-DSI1 including OTM8009A data lane setting

Associate II

Hi, I'm doing a project using STM32F769I-Eval.

In this kit, there is a LCD module called B-LCD40-DSI1 including dsi module(OTM8009A).

First, I looked up the example LCD_DSI_CmdMode_SingleBuffer in STM32CUBE_F7. After,

I connected LCD with DSI communication. I set DSI data lanes to two, and it works pefectly. But when I changed it to one, the display didn't work perfectly. It only worked in Low Power Mode, because this mode originally works with one lane. I think I should change lane setting in display module too.

So, I wonder if I can change this setting to one.

Is there any way to change lane setting in OTM8009A or B-LCD40-DSI1?

Or is there any example using one data lane with OTM8009A or B-LCD40-DSI1?



You'd need to configure the appropriate clocking of the LTDC and DSI to be coherent with the rate at which data is thrown off, without exceeding the bandwidth of a single lane.

And the OTM8009A would need its settings/expectations to be a single lane, bandwidth of STM32 probably going to limit you to 5:6:5 with a single lane

480 x 800 24 bpp or 16 bpp @ 60 Hz

Not spent time on it here, would expect a couple of man-days of fiddling and testing once some workable LTDC / DSI clocking and PLL parameters are derived.

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Thanks for the reply.

I've tested so many clock timings, bandwidth, clocks and lcd settings, it didn't work all.

I think I should change data lane number settings in B-LCD40-DSI1 or OTM8009A. So I checked OTM8009A datasheet, the​ LANSEL value is mentioned. So I want to change it to one, but I can't find any way to change it.

Do you know how to do it?

Thank you.

Hi, I'm really interested in this topic.

Did you finally work sucessfully using one data lane with B-LCD40-DSI1?Could you please tell me how to do?
