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After generate code: include path in Target options tab no longer valid

Senior III

I found a nasty effect after generating code with TouchGFX designer (V. 4.21.4):

In my project there is an additional include path, which is located in a different location as the touchGFX project on drive C. Every time after generating code, the files which are located there are no longer found and I need to define that include path again.

The path entry however seems to be still in the list, but I have to enter the path explicitly and simply pressing ok does not help.

The name of the path is (maybe this information helps to find the problem):

C:\Eigene Dateien\Projekte\ARM\Project\xProTT_Common\Inc

Maybe I will have to move the files because I need to regenerate code very often from now on for the project...

Any help or idea very welcome!


Hello. I would test to remove spaces on this include file path. Tgfx cannot handle spaces at least in the project folder path.

Yes, I know that the blanks in the project path are not allowed.

I moved my folder for the common parts into the TouchGFX project. This works now for me.

Renaming the original folder "C:\Eigene Dateien" is not possible as there are too many references which have to be kept for other projects.