2020-06-15 4:45 AM
i've got a "low cost" dev board with STM32F429BI SOC and 5inch touch LCD, and i'm praticing with the current CubeIde 1.3.1 / TouchGfx 4.13 CubeMX framework.
i followed the instruction for a new bring-up and they are pretty enlightning! the TouchGfx boys are pretty strong!
I talked about the LCD/LTDC/DMA2D stuff here. Had an issues with the stability of internal Clock.
Then I put in place a quick and dirty Touch screen driver for the LCD 5inch Goodix GT911 touch controller. The main issue here is that the Touch ctrl I2C port is connected to "generic pins" on the SOC so i had to copy/past the "bit banged" vendor provided I2C functions to make it work someway. now it's polled at each vert refresh, but supporting the Touch INT line would reduce a lot the burden. That's in my humble opinion the worst short-sight of this board.
Finally, cleaned up a bit the src code for a first release.
It works for me, and you can
And then, if you "customize" the files using the stub entries BEGIN/END, the added code should be preserved after regeneration
There's also a blinking led on a second FreeRTOS task (confugured from CubeMX) to show the core is running (not bound to refresh rate like in the good old STM32F429 Discovery sample)
Lastly, the USART1 is bound to printf() so you can easily print debug msg over the serial in the service connector.
The github repo is here: https://github.com/aventuri/fk429m1-lcd5-touchGfx-stub
i'm planning to eventually support SD card and SPI flash (and FatFS as a library for simpler access to content on those storage systems)
let me know if you find it useful or difficult to use!
provide eventually PR for driver enhancements
2020-06-15 5:10 AM
Good job!