2018-05-14 1:07 AM
Does anyone knows how the counter is handled in AES_CTR_Encrypt_Init() / AES_CTR_Encrypt_Append().
I suppose it is somewhere in the IV, but the documentation does not talk about it.
The examples use an IV initialised at 0xF0, 0xF1, ..., 0xFF with a nice comment :
'Third parameter is NULL because CTR doesn't use any IV'.
If the counter is not in the IV where is it ? How can I modify it ?
Is it a 16 bytes big integer ?
A 32 bit integer ?
Endianness ?
#x-cube-cryptolib-aes-ctr2018-05-14 11:13 AM
Although it declares that it is not used and is null, one is provided in the examples:
/* Initialize the operation, by passing the key.
* Third parameter is NULL because CTR doesn't use any IV */
error_status = AES_CTR_Encrypt_Init(&AESctx, AES128_Key, InitializationVector );�?�?�?
InitializationVector is a reference to:
/* Initialization Vector, used only in non-ECB modes */
uint8_t IV[CRL_AES_BLOCK] =
0xf0 , 0xf1 , 0xf2 , 0xf3 , 0xf4 , 0xf5 , 0xf6 , 0xf7,
0xf8 , 0xf9 , 0xfa , 0xfb , 0xfc , 0xfd , 0xfe , 0xff
I believe the source is compiled, so not sure where that reference goes. Might be worth it just change the referenced block and monitor the result.
I would also assume it is in bytes (16) and little endian to match the processor.2018-05-14 11:28 PM
Thanks for your answer.
You pointed the same problems i did : 'the source is closed', the examples are not helping and the documentation is not complete.
It may not be a problem for implementation of a standard, but in this case, there is no CTR standard.
So X-CUBE-CRYPTOLIB is only compatible with itself and can't be used to exchange data with another library.