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Is it possible to use the STM32 Cryptographic library on a ECOM10?

Associate II

Hi, I'm new in the forum and I would like to have your technical support. 

Unfortunately regarding this topic I was not able to found info in internet, and I don't know if I'm trying to do something not allowed by the ST libraries.

For my application I need the SHA256 and RS2048 algorithms.

The mcu is an ECOM10, while the IDE is IAR v.8.3.

Considering that ECOM10 integrate a Cortex M4F, I tried to use the libraries for the STM32F4 family. Is that choice right? 

In particular I tried to use without success both:

1) STM32_Cryptographic_Library_V2.0.6

2) STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V3.1.0

For the "STM32_Cryptographic_Library_V2.0.6", I was able to build the project only using the "M4_CryptoHW_2_0_6.a", i.e. with the hw accelleration.

While for the "STM32CubeExpansion_Crypto_V3.1.0", I was able to build the project using both "STM32CryptographicV3.1.1_CM4_IARv8" and "STM32CryptographicV3.1.1_CM4_IARv8_otnsc.a".

For all cases, I've used as reference the sha256 project example, but unfortunately all the test failed, I always got a wrong digest value.

Aspected digest: 248D6A61D20638B8E5C026930C3E6039A33CE45964FF2167F6ECEDD419DB06C1

Calculed digest: DE455CD3C0D51251E2A2066AF6ACE2554FA67B4E3500EDE374AEA19D4FE0B5EC

Any suggestions is more than welcome.

Thanks in advance.


The libraries are locked to STM32 parts, they fail if the detect other hardware.​

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Hi thanks for the fast reply. It seems that is not failing, because the error status returned is HASH_SUCCESS. Only the calculated value is wrong. Or do you think that this could happen also in case of other hardware detection?

I'd class returning the wrong hash a mode of failure.

You'll need to use your own library, or discuss the issue with the ST support engineers responsible for your account.​

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Ok thanks a lot.