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How can I port the SBSFU to another board?

Associate III


I'm using a STM32F446RE Discovery board and would like to test the SBSFU on it. At them moment, I take the example code from the STM32F413H Discovery board, but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong to never get access over the tera terminal.

What I have done so far according to AN5056 is:

  • Change the flash memory, since the STM32F446RE has only 512kByte


**  File        : LinkerScript.ld
**  Abstract    : Linker script for STM32F413ZHTx Device with
**                1536KByte FLASH, 320KByte RAM
**                Set heap size, stack size and stack location according
**                to application requirements.
**                Set memory bank area and size if external memory is used.
**  Target      : STMicroelectronics STM32
**  Distribution: The file is distributed as is, without any warranty
**                of any kind.
**  (c)Copyright Ac6.
**  You may use this file as-is or modify it according to the needs of your
**  project. Distribution of this file (unmodified or modified) is not
**  permitted. Ac6 permit registered System Workbench for MCU users the
**  rights to distribute the assembled, compiled & linked contents of this
**  file as part of an application binary file, provided that it is built
**  using the System Workbench for MCU toolchain.
/* Slots must be aligned on sector size */
/* Active slot #1 (1472 kbytes) */
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_start__  = 0x08010000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_end__    = 0x0807FFFF;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_header__ = __ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_1_start__;
/* Slots not configured */
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_header__ = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_start__  = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_2_end__    = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_header__ = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_start__  = 0x00000000;
__ICFEDIT_SLOT_Active_3_end__    = 0x00000000;


**  File        : LinkerScript.ld
**  Abstract    : Linker script for STM32F413ZHTx Device with
**                1536KByte FLASH, 320KByte RAM
**                Set heap size, stack size and stack location according
**                to application requirements.
**                Set memory bank area and size if external memory is used.
**  Target      : STMicroelectronics STM32
**  Distribution: The file is distributed as is, without any warranty
**                of any kind.
**  (c)Copyright Ac6.
**  You may use this file as-is or modify it according to the needs of your
**  project. Distribution of this file (unmodified or modified) is not
**  permitted. Ac6 permit registered System Workbench for MCU users the
**  rights to distribute the assembled, compiled & linked contents of this
**  file as part of an application binary file, provided that it is built
**  using the System Workbench for MCU toolchain.
/* SE Code region */
VECTOR_SIZE = 0x200;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__       = 0x08000000 + VECTOR_SIZE;
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__   = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__;  /* No need to do +4 as we have dummy bytes in SE_CoreBin .ld file */
__ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__     = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_start__ + 0x1FF;
/* SE key region */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__        = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__          = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__ + 0xFF;
/* SE Startup: call before enabling protection */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__    = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__ = __ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__ + 0x100;
/* Aligned SE End at the end of the 1st 32Kbytes of flash, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__         =  0x08007FFF;
/* SE IF ROM: used to locate Secure Engine interface code */
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__         = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__ + 1;
__ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__           = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__ + 0x8FF;
/* SBSFU Code region */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_start__            = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__ + 0x1;
/* Aligned SBSFU  end at the end of the 1st 64Kbytes of FLASH, MPU protection isolation constraints */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_end__              = 0x0800ffff;
SE_Entry_Secure_ROM_Region_Length = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
SE_Key_region_ROM_Length          = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
SE_Startup_region_ROM_Length      = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__ ;
SE_ROM_region_Length              = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
SE_IF_region_ROM_Length           = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
SB_ROM_region_Length              = __ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_start__ + 1;
/* RAM section */
/* SE RAM1 region protected by firewall */
/* SE stack is placed 1st in RAM, stack overflow does not write on other RAM area */
__ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_start__     = 0x20000000;
__ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_stack_top__ = 0x20000400;
__ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_end__       = 0x20000FFF;
/* SBSFU RAM1 region */
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_RAM_start__     = __ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_end__ + 1;
__ICFEDIT_SB_region_RAM_end__       = 0x2003FFFF;
SE_RAM_region_Length = __ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_stack_top__ + 1;
SB_RAM_region_Length = __ICFEDIT_SB_region_RAM_end__ - __ICFEDIT_SB_region_RAM_start__ + 1;
 SE_Entry_Secure_ROM_Region (rx)     : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_CallGate_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_Entry_Secure_ROM_Region_Length
 SE_Key_region_ROM (rx)              : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_Key_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_Key_region_ROM_Length
 SE_Startup_region_ROM (rx)          : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_Startup_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_Startup_region_ROM_Length
 SE_ROM_region (rx)                  : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_Code_nokey_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_ROM_region_Length
 SE_IF_region_ROM (rx)               : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_IF_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SE_IF_region_ROM_Length
 SB_ROM_region (rx)                  : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SB_region_ROM_start__, LENGTH = SB_ROM_region_Length
 SE_RAM_region (xrw)               : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SE_region_RAM_stack_top__, LENGTH = SE_RAM_region_Length
 SB_RAM_region (xrw)               : ORIGIN = __ICFEDIT_SB_region_RAM_start__, LENGTH = SB_RAM_region_Length

  • Adjusted the UART in the sfu_low_level.h (this is the correct UART for the discovery and I already checked, that I get an ouput in an example project):
#define SFU_UART                                USART2
#define SFU_UART_CLK_ENABLE()                   __HAL_RCC_USART2_CLK_ENABLE()
#define SFU_UART_CLK_DISABLE()                  __HAL_RCC_USART2_CLK_DISABLE()
#define SFU_UART_TX_AF                          GPIO_AF7_USART2
#define SFU_UART_TX_GPIO_PORT                   GPIOA
#define SFU_UART_TX_PIN                         GPIO_PIN_2
#define SFU_UART_RX_AF                          GPIO_AF7_USART2
#define SFU_UART_RX_GPIO_PORT                   GPIOA
#define SFU_UART_RX_PIN                         GPIO_PIN_3
  • I changed the toolchain settings:


  • In the app_sfu.h i activated the SECBOOT_DISABLE_SECURITY_IPS for debugging.

The thing is, I am not able to debug (I think this is normal, but I tought with the SECBOOT_DISABLE_SECURITY_IPS flag, I would be able to do that), since the fw directly goes into the hardfault at bootup. Also when I do the 2 power cycles as described in the AN5056, I never get a terminal output.

How can I check, that the SBSFU is correctly installed?


Ok, I optimized for debug and can no see where it happens:

0693W00000HpvsAQAR.pngSeems to be a problem with the ROM region

ST Employee

Hi @STsch.1​ ,

apparently SECoreBin initialization fails. When you changed the build settings for debug, maybe the code size increased and you need to revisit the linker settings.



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