2011-11-18 8:57 AM
writing out of flash memory at adress 0x0
#stk #stm32 #103stk #0x02011-11-18 11:39 AM
I amagine this is due to language trouble, however
a) ''write out'' do you mean 'read'. b) flash location 0 is 'reserved' at the start of the vector table; why would anyone want to read/''write out'' there. Erik2011-11-18 12:03 PM
Perhaps the forum ate your message?
The flash is always at 0x08000000, you will need/want to write to it there. It may appear to be mapped/shadowed at ZERO based on the state of the BOOTx pins at startup (or programmatically on F2 and F4 designs), but writing to it at it's usual address is recommended. Writing to flash will fail if the memory has not been erased, and writing while executing from flash will seriously stall the processor operation.