2015-04-27 7:19 AM
Dear All,
Is it Possible to Connect another FMC device along side of IS42S16400J in STM32F429I-DISCOboard, does the Address line and Data line causes any problem to the other FMC device from the onboard SD RAM(IS42S16400J )Note: External device Voltage is same as the SDRAM Voltage level, Control lines are different for the External interfacing device,Except Data and the Address bus are shared Between SDRAM and the External FMC device.Thanks for your valuable response, in advance. #stm32f429i-disco-fmc-is42s16400j2015-04-27 7:27 AM
Yeah, you'd want to be attentive to signal lengths and termination. Access to the pins on the DISCO might be a tad challenging.
Suggest you review the schematics for thehttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF259093
which uses several memories.2015-04-27 10:13 PM
Hi CLive,
Thank you very much for your suggestion, you have been very active in this blog always you have been giving right suggestion and Input.
Thanks for your help.
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I am very happy for your help to all these forum recipients.
Thanks again :)