2020-04-19 4:07 PM
I have a Nucleo H743ZI2.
I have been reading "Mastering STM32" by Carmine Noviello, and on page 188 (last paragraph) he says that the maximum IO toggle rate is 10 MHz on the STM32F446. He gives oscilloscope traces, but I can't see the frequency, because there is only a single pulse shown. I need 24 MHz on each of two serial channels, each driven from an SPI to illuminate an LED strip. Will I be able to get 24 MHx on my H743? If not, could I drive four LED strips at half the speed (12 MHz) each, using four SPIs? I also need an SPI for an SD card.
2020-04-21 11:55 PM
No, you'll need FatFS for that. RTOS is for scheduling more complex realtime tasks, you probably won't need it.