2018-07-01 11:46 PM
So I just ordered a IHM08M1 Nucleo BLDC motor board and what I thought would be a matching STM32H7 based Nucleo control board - only to find out from the MCSDK 5.1.1 release notes that the STM32H7 family is not supported and that the best the MCSDK supports is a NUCLEO-F446RE control board (which I have subsequently ordered - glad I didn't wait till the hardware arrived to install the SDK).
Whats the schedule for adding H7 support to the various ST libraries?
#mcsdk #stm32h72018-07-03 4:17 AM
The H7 has been in some uncomfortable witch-space for 18-months. And the F7 parts have been out for years.
Given the nature of the HAL libraries is shouldn't be that hard to port the code to the H7 platform if running the motor from a 400-500 MHz CM7 is super critical to the project.
2018-07-06 5:38 AM
FYI, the lastest schedule for the MC SDK development related to the STM32H7 is Y2019.