2017-09-27 1:10 PM
Clocks in the I2S diagrams in STM32F4xx DS show two settings of CPOL, although the difference appears to be minor:
Also caption of several figures in I2S portion of the SPI/I2S chapter in RM0090 contain CPOL=0.
However, the text in the same I2S portion of the SPI/I2S chapter contains no mention of CPOL; and the description in the registers section is aptly titled 28.5.1 SPI control register 1 (SPI_CR1) (not used in I2S mode) and repeats ''It is not used in I 2 S mode and SPI TI mode.'' as a note at the CPOL bit description itself, too.
Comment, please.
Jan Waclawek
2018-01-03 5:35 AM
bump 2