2017-02-20 11:42 PM
Hi, members.
I'm a chief engineer in charge of developping information display with touch faunction.
And my team are developping fat stylus pen that can communicate with touch panel.
Actually though under mas production, STM chips are short for further plan.
If you know who has a plenty of stock of them, please tell me immediately.
I appreciate your help.
2017-02-21 5:41 AM
that part is marked as obsolete !
luckily for you,
many of these chips are interchangeable,
although the code may have to be tweaked.
2017-02-21 1:23 PM
These parts were discontinued close to 4-5 years ago (SiLabs bought Ember, one of the primary stack vendors). They are specialize WiFi parts (STM32W) and really don't have much relationship to other STM32F1xx parts.
ST Sales might have some idea if any distributor holds any volume at this point.
2017-02-21 5:27 PM
Dear Mr.Nick,
Thank you for your advice.
I have a question.
What do you mean that many of these chips are interchangeable?
Actually, I have thought that STM32W108CBU61, STM32W108CBU62, STM32W108CBU63 can be
substituted for STM32W108CBU64.
But I have heard it was wrong.
I would like you to tell me what you told in detail.
I appreciate your help and cooperation.
Masanori Toyoda
2017-02-21 5:40 PM
on page 279 of the data sheet;
the 61 Vs 63 Vs 64 reference:
This P/N is under specific ordering conditions. Please refer to your nearest ST sales office.
1 = Ember ZigBee stack, available on 128 Kbyte devices only.
3 = RF4CE stack
4 = IEEE 802.15.4 media access control
generally, the ST processors have the same pin outs, PA4, PA5 PB7 for example are generally always in the same position.
However, in this case, the IEEE 802.15.4 media access control is unique to the STM32W108CBU64TR.
You can ask on this forum if there is another processor that has this the IEEE 802.15.4 media access control.
then you must check the pin outs are the same, usually yes.
then you must adjust your firmware to accommodate the slight variations in processors.
ie, the internal clock may be higher, so timers/timeout values may have to be adjusted. etc.
2017-02-21 5:40 PM
Dear Clive,
Thank you for your information and advice.
Actually we had the last order of STM32W108CBU64 for ST-micro in 2015.
Unfortunately, there was a gap between the initial prospect and the actual demand.
If you know, I would like you to tell me how to do to ask to ST sales for this matter.
I appreciate your help and cooperation.
Masanori Toyoda
2017-02-21 6:38 PM
Dear Mr.Nick,
Thank you for your quick response.
I also had confirmed the page you specified before.
First I thought the difference between them was only pre-install software.
Then I had believed 61,62 and 63 could be adopted instead of 64 as we over-write our firmaware including Simplemac.
After all I believe what you mention is there would be some other chips can work based on IEEE802.15.4.
Moreover we have to modify our firmware so that a new chip can work as same as the previous one.
I can understand what you told me clearly.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your help.
Masanori Toyoda
I would like you to tell me what you told in detail.
I appreciate your help and cooperation.
Masanori Toyoda
2017-02-21 6:39 PM
Dear Mr.Nick,
Thank you for your quick response.
I also had confirmed the page you specified before.
First I thought the difference between them was only pre-install software.
Then I had believed 61,62 and 63 could be adopted instead of 64 as we over-write our firmaware including Simplemac.
After all I believe what you mention is there would be some other chips can work based on IEEE802.15.4.
Moreover we have to modify our firmware so that a new chip can work as same as the previous one.
I can understand what you told me clearly.
Thank you so much.
I appreciate your help.
Masanori Toyoda
差出人: marsh.nick <st-microelectronics@jiveon.com>
�信日時: 2017年2月22日 9:41
宛先: 豊ç�?°å°†å“²/主任技師
件�: Re: - Re: We need a large sum of STM32W108CBU64TR.
STMicroelectronics Community <https://community.st.com/?et=watches.email.thread>
Re: We need a large sum of STM32W108CBU64TR.
reply from marsh.nick<https://community.st.com/people/Marsh.Nick?et=watches.email.thread> in STM32 MCUs Forum - View the full discussion<https://community.st.com/message/147200-re-we-need-a-large-sum-of-stm32w108cbu64tr?commentID=147200&et=watches.email.thread&sharpcomment-147200>
2017-02-21 6:56 PM
I am not sure if there is any hardware... You may only require the IEEE 802.15.4 media access control software
The you can install on any other chip, but I think the whole series STM32W108CBU6x has ceased production.
this chip has similar functions, but a different pinout...
here are 838 chips will similar functions:
or 17 ST chips with similar functions: ( some are obsolete, but some have stock)
this chip is very close to your request.. and stock, check the pins are not quite the same... it is a new PCB..
2017-02-21 7:21 PM
Dear Mr.Nick,
Thank you for your help sincerely.
If we have more time, human resource and budget, we will adopt other chip except STM32W108CBU6X.
Actually we keep on asking whether we can install any other 6x chips, but no response.
Please let me check again whether 6x can substitute for 64.
Please forgive my rudeness.
I appreciate your help truely.
Masanori Toyoda