2016-12-06 12:49 AM
Hi all,
I want to start using STM32 MCU in order to synchronize a multiple output power supply with a single frequency.
So for I have used an anlog PLL (74HC4046) for this purpose:
1. The relevant range is 200-500 Khz.
2. If the external freq. is out of range or doesn't exist the internal 400Khz clock will distribute to all module.
First of all, is it possible?
and if so, are there any examples?
I am using STM32L053 Discovery.
#power-supply #stm-32 #stm32-discovery2016-12-07 1:36 AM
,Welcome to STM32 community
The STM32CubeL0 firmware package comes with a rich set of examples as described in
and there is several PWR examples at this path: STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.8.0\Projects\STM32L053C8-Discovery\Examples\PWRYou can refer to the manual
,is your reference for more clarification.Best Regards