2019-09-20 5:53 AM
Hello everyone.
I wrote a code for my stm32 Nucleo-L432KC board.
Now I'm writing code in LabVIEW in order to send instructions (such as: set the User_selection value in the Nucleo board code) and receive data (such as Temperature variable value in the Nucleo board code) from the stm32 Nucleo-l432kc board.
My Nucleo code works as follow:
- there is a variable named "User_selection" and it's a uint8_t type.
- for any number in the "User_selection" variable, I have a code (for example: for User_selection=1, the Nucleo board sends a command with an nRF24L01 module to another Nucleo board).
- After the Nucleo board preform the User_selection command, it waits for new User_selection input.
- The Nucleo board can also receive data from the nRF24L01 module and store it in different variables.
I wrote a code in LabVIEW for a GUI for the Nucleo board, But I don't know how to interface between the LabVIEW GUI and the Nucleo board. I've read that I need to use the VISA commands in LabVIEW, but I don't know if I need to add libraries or some code in the Nucleo board code and if I need to add some code in the Nucleo board code, where do I insert the code?
I use STM32CubeIDE and STM32CubeMX to program my Nucleo-L432KC board.
I want to communicate with my board thru USB communication.
Can you please help me and tell me what do I need to do (add code in the Nucleo board code (and where to add it), program the Nucleo board in the STM32CubeMX with some function, add some function/code in the LabVIEW GUI, etc')?