2017-07-09 7:37 PM
Hello i wanna lite an LED with PA13, but i also wanna be able to use the SW interface to update the code. anybody know how to do both contemporaneously?
thanx, mike
2017-07-09 9:17 PM
After reset, PA13 PA14 debug pins are enabled,
you may check by software:
if it's not in debug mode, (eg. in CM3/CM4 check DHCS register)
,then config them as gpio ouput.
2017-07-09 11:21 PM
you mean lines 13 & 14 start in debug mode by default before my code executes?
2017-07-09 11:32 PM
Normally, those pins are assigned for DBG IOs after reset.
You may reconfigure them as you need, once you didn't detect in debug mode.
2017-07-09 11:39 PM
ok i see. THANK YOU Zhitai :)
2017-07-10 2:42 AM
mike louaillier wrote:
ok i see. THANK YOU Zhitai :)