2009-06-08 4:15 AM
Use of the StdPeriph_Lib 3.0 with Keil Compiler
2011-05-17 4:14 AM
Hi ,
I'm trying to get the new StdPeriph_Lib V3.0 work with the Keil uVision3 Environment. It seems like these two don't work togehter properly. I did a couple of tries in the last days but I had no success with it. I always get some errors and warnings about undefined functions (standard ADC and DMA functions). The main problem is, that I have to use the different Interrupthandlers of the 3 ADCs. Keil only supports one Interrupt Handler (ADC_IRQHandler) and not the two of the new FW (ADC1_2_IRQHandler & ADC3_IRQHandler). Is there a chance to successfully migrate from the FW 2 to the StdPeriph_Lib 3 in the Keil Environment? Regards, Lars2011-05-17 4:14 AM
Keil only supports one Interrupt Handler (ADC_IRQHandler) and not the two of the new FW (ADC1_2_IRQHandler & ADC3_IRQHandler).
What do you mean by that?? :-? Keil does not place any restrictions at all on this - you can load whatever functions you like into the vector table to handle the interrupts!2011-05-17 4:14 AM
I'll try to explain it in a different way. The standard startup file (vector table) of the Keil compiler doesn't include these functions. So I have to include them by myself. I just compared the Keil and the ST startup files and saw that they're different in the names of the interrupt functions. Now it is clear, that I have to adjust it to my requirements. Regards, Lars2011-05-17 4:14 AM
I have to adjust it to my requirements.
Yes, of course you do! 8-)