2017-10-13 5:05 AM
I'm using stm32 Workbench with CubeMX and STM32F4DISCOVERY with STM32F407VG microcontroller
I setup everything in CubeMX as default:
- RCC-> Crystal/Ceramic Resonator
- SYS->SerialWire with SysTic Timebase Source
- USB_OTG_FS-> Device_only
- In MiddleWares, USB_DEVICE-> Communication Device Class (VCP)
- I setup Clock Configuration with input frequency 8 MHz HSE and 168MHz HLCK
- In Configuration: USB_OTH_FS Configuration i disable Vbus sensering
- In USB_DEVICE Configuration is setup as default
Everything compile without any problems and errors.
When I connect my stm to PC, microcontroller log as COM port.
I send messages to PC with CDC_Transmit_FS function.
I receive messages on PC with HTerm program.
HTerm show this COM port normally.
When I try click connect button in HTerm, program don't connect with COM port and shows error:'Error in OpenPort: Internal error when initializing COM4'.
But in some situations (sometimes when I rebulid code, but
not often),
I can connect with this port and I can receive messages from stm- but not every time.When connect with this com port and I click connect and disconect buttons several times COM port has an error describe above.
This problem shows up when I using Windows 10 Pro system, but when I use Windows 7 Proffesional system this problem problem never occurred
2017-10-13 11:52 AM
Can you try another terminal client? For example RealTerm.
Is the port always displayed in the Windows Device Manager?
Do you have a pause between data transfers?
2017-10-17 1:52 AM
1. In any another terminail it is the same problem.
2. Yes- when I connect stm3. No 'HAL_Delay', but another instructions