2014-06-24 9:02 AM
Hi guys,
I recently upgraded my USB Host libary in one of my programs from version 2.0.0 to version 2.1.0 and it seems to have broken something. When I try to read a file from my USB Flash drive using FatFs, it crashes. Has anyone had any issues similar to this?EDIT: When I say it crashes, it enters the f_open command in Fatfs and doesn't return a value. The USBH_MSC_Read10 command just seems to constantly return a USBH_MSC_BUSY and so it never exits a loop within the disk_read command. Further digging has led me to the USBH_MSC_HandleBOTXfer function, where after the first call to the read10 command( in diskio.c) the USBH_MSC_BOTXferParam.BOTState is equal to 0, which means that function never executes anything. I can' t find anywhere in the code where it gets set to 0. Anyone know why/where that might be happening?2016-02-17 9:19 PM
Are there any solutions for this issue?
I have the same Problem. It seems that the Problems occurs randomly, in most cases the function work without any Problem but sometimes it hangs and doesn't return because of a constant USBH_MSC_BUSY