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Unique 96bit ID meaning and its shortening

Associate II
Posted on February 08, 2013 at 08:06


I have a question concerning processor 96bit UID. I understand that this number is ST unique number and I would like to use it as a board identification in production. But the number is farly long for expressing in text form. So I would like to short it to be unique relative for certain chip.

I see that DFU boatloader uses a shorter serial number similar to UID and it differs among similar chips. Would anybody know the number meaning  or a mask reducing the number to demanded purpose?

Thank you.

Associate II
Posted on September 25, 2013 at 12:25

> duplicated UID.

Well that id is good for shyte..    Is this something known to happen?

At least from the STM32F1 manual, there is very strong emphasis on uniqueness.

''The 96-bit unique device identifier provides a reference number which is unique for any


device and in any context. These bits can never be altered by the user.

The 96-bit unique device identifier can also be read in single bytes/half-words/words in


different ways and then be concatenated using a custom algorithm.''

Posted on September 25, 2013 at 15:42

> duplicated UID.



Well that id is good for shyte..    Is this something known to happen?


At least from the STM32F1 manual, there is very strong emphasis on uniqueness.



''The 96-bit unique device identifier provides a reference number which is unique for any device and in any context. These bits can never be altered by the user.


The 96-bit unique device identifier can also be read in single bytes/half-words/words in different ways and then be concatenated using a custom algorithm.''

It doesn't preclude you or someone else fouling up the implementation, and I'm saying that your test procedures should have enough integrity to catch such things.

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