2013-07-30 1:15 AM
I am new to STM32F4 and I have been digging into documentation for the lasts two weeks.My application uses a 320x240 LCD display and is managed through the FSMC bus. If I have understood correctly the FSMC manages four banks of memory and each one is divided in four memory regions. I am only interested in Bank1, which is the NOR/PSRAM memory, but I have some questions.As you can see I am pretty lost. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, Edgar. #stm32 #fsmc2013-07-30 3:57 AM
In traditional processor boards, you would have an address decoder of 1-of-N type (think of 74xx138 for example), which inputs is connected to the higher-most address bits, and outputs go to chip selects of connected memories. In this particular case, there is a cascade: one decoder which sets its output active when address bits 31..28 = 0110 (0x6), which is an ''enable'' input to other 1-of-4 decoder with inputs tied to address bits 27..26 and producing the four NEx outputs. In other words, if you read/write anywhere from/to 0x60000000-0x63FFFFFF, NE1 gets (automatically) active; if you read/write from/to 0x640000000-0x67FFFFFF, NE2 gets active; etc.
So, you simply tie NEx to the memory's (memory-mapped device's, here: LCD's) chip select pin, address signals to address pins, data to data pins, read/write signals to read/write pins; and then (after having properly set up the FSMC unit) simply read/write to the corresponding area and FSMC takes care of wiggling the appropriate pins automatically. JW2016-06-28 7:06 AM
I am just starting to work with the ST MCUs. I am using the STMcube and there is something I don't understand regarding this:when I look at the code generated for the FSMC interface for a NOR flash is seems that the functions to read/write to the flash is done as if writing/reading to the MCU address. is this related to the abouve explanition? Thanks,Avner2016-06-28 10:49 AM
I don't exactly understand what do you mean by ''writing/reading to the MCU address'', but ARM has only one but huge (4GB) single memory space, which is then split up among the various targets - internal FLASH, internal RAM, internal peripherals, the processor's private peripherals such as NVIC, and among them is also the FSMC (or FMC in some higher-end STM32 subfamilies), starting at address 0x60000000.
You can find a ''Memory map'' figure in every STM32 datasheet and every STM32 reference manual. JW