2016-07-22 05:19 AM
I am trying to sort out an interrupt problem on an STM32F4 board. I have RM0090 Reference manual which is rather cursory on the subject and refers me to another document:
All interrupts including the core exceptions are managed by the NVIC. For more information
on exceptions and NVIC programming see Chapter 5: Exceptions & Chapter 8: Nested
Vectored Interrupt Controller in the ARM CortexTM-M4F Technical Reference Manual.
There seem to be a multitude of documents with similar titles with notably different content and so far I have not been able to find anything with relevant chapters indicated in this note. Where can I find this document? Thanks.
2016-07-22 05:57 AM
Likely from an older and restricted document, basically the ARM TRM
The Cortex-M3 TRM has similar Chaptering, and frankly content in this regard.http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.ddi0337e/CIHDIIFH.html
The current M4 one in PDF here ST has a version of these in it's Programming Manual (PM) series. You might be better describing the actual problem, there are a number of hazards related to interrupt exiting and clearing.2016-07-22 06:08 AM
You can have a look to this from ST web, in section 4.3 Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC)Regards