2016-07-31 1:42 PM
Hello everyone,
I am using stm32f746 discovery board and I am sending 10 bytes of data in UDP protocol to PC. I can trace the data coming through LAN using WireShark application. for example No. Time Source Destination Protocol Len Info 14 1.300032 UDP 60 49153 ? 64701 Len=10 that is STM32 board and is PC the data is sent to Port 64701 by STM32 Board I used this code in matlab : u = udp ('', 'LocalPort', 64701); fopen(u); x = fread(u, 10); disp(x) fclose(u) But I can't get data and timeout in reading occurs. unfortunately the internet space is getting so complicated and is full of too detailed notes, related to the topic though, so I couldn't find what the problem is. within couple of hours. can anyone help me and get me out of this trap? thanks in advance #stm32f7462016-10-22 11:48 PM
The problem was in windows firewall. it must be turned off for MATLAB program. that's it!