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UART baudrate configuration CubeMx

Mohamed GORRAB
Associate II
Posted on April 06, 2018 at 10:21


I use the Nucleo-L476RG to send and read data by the UART, so for that I used STM32CubeMx,

the goal is to send data in a Maximum of baudrate which is 10Mb/s as shown on the picture below, but the code is excuted only if the baudrate is less than 1Mb/s, otherwise I don't recieve any information in RX,

for information, I test sending information by a led, if it flashes, it means that it's OK otherwise, it is NOK,

I don't understand what's kind of problem is about!


ST Employee
Posted on April 06, 2018 at 12:06


how do you handle UART RX reception?

Posted on April 06, 2018 at 12:10

Hi, yes I tried many programs for RX(putty, ...) and I can show the message only if UART baudrate is less than 1Mb/s, 

I think taht the problem is about TX and not RX,

Posted on April 06, 2018 at 12:35




my question is how to you handle receive on STM32 side? Do you use interrupts, polling, DMA?

Posted on April 06, 2018 at 13:44


It is a simple way, just I used the USART1 (TX and RX pins), without interrupts, polling, DMA...

The configuration in the picture below can help you, hope!

Posted on April 06, 2018 at 15:53

10 Mbps is awfully high for reliable USART communications. Also at higher/maximal rates the error in desired/achieved can be significant.

You might want to find an STM32 supporting a FIFO on the USART (L4+), and you definitely want to be using DMA for these types of rates. You will need to make sure to clear Framing and Noise Errors on the interface if you want to continue receiving data after these events occur.

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