2018-03-07 3:44 AM
is there a way to create run configuration in TrueSTUDIO in a same way as it is in SW4STM32?
I would like to 'launch' the code without entering the debug perspective. Just flash and run.Thanks for helping.#truestudioSolved! Go to Solution.
2018-03-08 4:16 AM
try st-link to see if you get the same...
64-bit Linux Fedora here, no terminal problems with texane tool...
2018-03-08 4:47 AM
My system might be funky
I'm on Arch and I've tried both texane version (installed through AUR) and community repository version through pacman. They both giving kinda strange output. At first sight one can be scared, however nothing bad is really written there. Its just red
Do you have similar behavior?
2018-03-08 9:02 PM
Please help me with TrueStudio configuration with STM32L475 board.
Becuase in the hands-on or getting started only mention IAR (EWARM).Thank you very much in advance.
2018-03-08 11:47 PM
No, no problems in displaying colored text on a terminal...
Try to install colorgcc and rxvt-unicode-256color and see if it makes any difference...
2018-03-08 11:52 PM
- which version of TrueStudio?
- what kind of board?
- what API are you using in development (SPL, HAL, LL)?
2018-04-26 2:15 AM
Hello, I tried to set up this configuration in my TrueStudio, but there is always an error.
My configuration is :
Can you help me solve it? Thank you.
2018-04-26 6:43 AM
I have noticed that your working directory is not like mine. I'm not sure if it can be an error or not.
Otherwise, I've issues if I do not explicitely select the project in the project explorer before launching the external tool. Check that the project you want to flash is selected before trying to run the external tool.
Have a nice day.