2018-06-08 12:15 AM
I use STM32F103CBT6 for my project. This is something trouble this time. One of VDD pins of MCU is broken and not have connection to pcb. Another three pins are fine. Would MCU work fine if i not resoldering it and working current is low? I test two different VDD pins of STM32 with multimeter. Seems pins internally connected.
#stm32f103 #vdd-pin #stm322018-06-08 1:44 AM
Not sure if you get a satisfying answer, only ST's design engineers are supposed to know.
I would at least avoid getting this chip in customer's hands.
Even if connected, different VDD pins might supply different regions of the silicon. Bonding wires use to be quite thin. Perhaps you might experience trouble under high load conditions with low supply voltage.
2018-06-08 4:11 AM
Thx, i think just resolder chip to avoid future troubles.