2019-02-17 1:05 PM
Where to find trace.ini file or it's content for STM32H743/53 tracing with Keil uVision and ULINKPro ?
2019-02-17 3:12 PM
Probably something you want to query Keil for. The H7 has a SWO Trace Funnel, it doesn't use the TRACEDATA/TRACECLK pins.
The script would need to walk through enabling clocks, like those in DBGMCU_CR and DBGMCU_APBxyz
2019-02-17 3:36 PM
I'm thinking something like this, working blind...
FUNC void SetupTrace (void) {
_WDWORD(0x5C001004,(_RDWORD(0x5C001004) | 0x00700000)); // DBGMCU_CR D3DBGCKEN, D1DBGCKEN, TRACECLKEN
_WDWORD(0x5C004FB0, 0xC5ACCE55); // Unlock Funnel
_WDWORD(0x5C003FB0, 0xC5ACCE55);
//SWO current output divisor register
//This divisor value (0x000000C7) corresponds to 400 MHz, with 2 MHz SWO Clock
//To change it, you can use the following rule
// value = (CPU Freq/sw speed)-1
//_WDWORD(0x5C003010, 0xC7);
//SWO selected pin protocol register
_WDWORD(0x5C0030F0, 0x00000002);
//Enable ITM input of SWO trace funnel
_WDWORD(0x5C004000, (_RDWORD(0x5C004000) | 0x00000001));
//RCC_AHB4ENR enable GPIOB clock
_WDWORD(0x580244E0, (_RDWORD(0x580244E0) | 0x00000002));
// Configure GPIOB pin 3 as AF
_WDWORD(0x58020400, ((_RDWORD(0x58020400) & 0xffffff3f) | 0x00000080));
// Configure GPIOB pin 3 Speed
_WDWORD(0x58020408, (_RDWORD(0x58020408) | 0x00000080));
// Force AF0 for GPIOB pin 3
_WRDWORD(0x58020420, (_RDWORD(0x58020420) & 0xFFFF0FFF));
// Executed after reset via uVision's 'Reset'-button
FUNC void OnResetExec (void) {
2019-02-17 5:18 PM
Thanks Clive for prompt reply. I'll contact Keil. I actually want to use ETM for performance monitoring with 4 bit use for trace data. I've found example trace.ini file for STM32F4
Not sure if the same file can work or needs some additional settings.
2019-02-17 6:18 PM
The Data Sheet talks about PE2..PE6, but the Reference Manual says it doesn't route "no synchronous trace output, that is, no TRACEDATA or TRACECLK pins"
The F4 initialization brings up GPIOE and the pins, you'd have to replicate that on the H7 for a starts. The registers will be at different locations.
2019-02-17 6:35 PM
//RCC_AHB4ENR enable GPIOE clock
_WDWORD(0x580244E0, (_RDWORD(0x580244E0) | 0x00000010));
// Configure GPIOE pin 2-6 as AF
_WDWORD(0x58021000, ((_RDWORD(0x58021000) & 0xffffc00f) | 0x00002AA0));
// Configure GPIOE pin 2-6 Speed
_WDWORD(0x58021008, (_RDWORD(0x58021008) | 0x00002AA0));
// Force AF0 for GPIOE pin 2-6
_WRDWORD(0x58021020, (_RDWORD(0x58021020) & 0xF00000FF));