2018-05-17 2:08 AM
In RM0430 rev 7 section 6.2 it is stated that when TIMPRE is set and APB prescaler is 1 or 2 then the timer clock is HCLK.
And when APB prescaler is > 2 then the timer clocks are HCLK * 4.This is different to the F446 which in RM0390 section 6.2 which states that when APB prescaler is > 4 then timer clocks will be HCLK * 4.So is the F413 indeed different as stated in the RM or is this a typo in the RM and the F413 is the same as the F446?
2018-05-17 6:49 AM
,The F413 and
products are different regarding this point and thereference manuals are correct.In fact, t
he maximum
HCLK frequency and the maximum APBs frequencies are not the same.
With Regards,
2018-05-17 7:06 AM
Hi Imen.
Thanks for the confirmation.
Also another question will the next update of the Cube Eclipse plug-in implement the TIMPRE setting so that the clock configuration has the correct timer clocks when TIMPRE is set?