2012-06-10 7:47 AM
There is a missing table in RM0090
para: 14.4.3 TIMx slave mode control register (TIMx_SMCR), Table 60: TIMx internal trigger connection on page 395 I am trying to use TIM1 timer as a prescaler to TIM2 and TIM5 timers and this table is supposed to specify the ITRx signals routing for these timers. But, there is no table. If you look to the rest of the page, there are missing bit descriptions too. Eli2012-06-10 8:07 AM
Definitely missing.
The STM32F2 reference might be instructive as they share a very common peripheral set. Page 398 & 399 The actual function should be easy enough to validate.2012-06-11 5:21 AM
Thank you for your advice. I used TIM8 instead of TIM1 (according to the table that you referred) and it worked like charm.
Eli.2012-07-11 7:54 AM
See also table 62 on page 437 in RM0090.