2018-07-01 10:39 PM
When I try to run STM32CubeMX.exe, The message 'the registry refers to a nonexistent java runtime environment installation or the runtime is corrupted' appears. I use Windows 7 PRO and Java is up to date.
2018-08-09 2:32 PM
Same here.
2018-08-09 2:40 PM
Yeah several reports in general on the forum. Here on the old forum https://st-microelectronics.jiveon.com/search.jspa?q=%22nonexistent%20java%20runtime%20environment%22
Would recommend using the Java tools to see how many other versions of Java are littering the system and remove any of the old clutter.
2018-08-09 2:48 PM
Check this thread, and check what the Java Control Panel reports, Mohamed Monsouri would be the ST Employee to seek out.
2018-08-09 3:03 PM
Thank you Clive!
I uninstalled Java, then re-installed it. CubeMX is running for me now.