2018-08-07 11:39 PM
Hi everyone,
I want to make a simple LoRa transmission/reception with the I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 board controlled by NUCLEO-L053R8. I saw in the CUBE software an example called AT_Master which stablishes a communication between both boards sending AT commands by UART (If I am not wrong).
I have read the USI module manual and the avaliable commands (that I think fit my purpose) are these (although they are not defined in the USI driver):
AT+RF (Sets the RF settings)
AT+TXT (Transmits modulation packet with payload)
AT+DEFMODE (Sets the operation mode)
Can I achieve a transmission of a 'PING' message with these commands? And a reception of a 'PING' message?
Is there any other way to control the radio module besides from this method?
2018-08-09 2:32 PM
I don't know, do you have two of the USI Shields with which to experiment?
I think a handful of us here on the forum have tinkered with it, but most were looking to replace the firmware. USI has chosen to provide close source software, and the burden to support and advance that is really on them. Decide if USI provides the level of support you need, or if they have a forum to which you can post your questions.
There is an AT command firmware in the XCUBE-LRWAN release, this could be review, modified, and ported to the USI module. My local ST FAE was of the opinion that the AT command interface wasn't really useful for any of his customers applications, it added layers of abstraction, and at least one micro-controller could be removed for any of the designs by just managing the radio directly.
I ported Ping-Pong to the USI module to prove it could be done, and to verify the gain and antenna settings. I also ported it to MultiTech XBee modules in part to demonstrate interoperability between radios and platforms. Also ported the LRWAN code to assorted F4, L4 and F7 DISCO and NUCLEO boards.
For experiments you're going to need at least two nodes, I'd consider at least three. For range testing consider making a GPS Location Pinger that just does the transmitting, and have the other units just listen.
To experiment with the NUCLEO-L053R8 consider using the SX1272 or SX1276 shields.
I got the USI Shield free from my FAE, I bought LoRa-DISCOs and Semtech Shields to do actual development work on.