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The puzzled about SWPMI of STM32H7

Associate II

Hi Sir ,

    I need your help with some questions about SPWMI:

1. STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.7.0 without Demo project, Could you provide a Demo project of SWPMI STM32H7?

2. As RM said,SWPMI can serve only as Master interface, Whether SWPMI can communicate with itself ? such as Board1 SWPMI (transfer)  communicate  with Board2 SWPMI (receiver) . 

3.When internal transceiver is bypassed(SWP_TBYP=1),the SWPMI_TX、SWPMI_RX and SWPMI_SUSPEND signals can connect an external transceiver. I don't find the profile about external transceiver.Could you please prodive the specific device or profile of external transceiver?

    Looking forward to your reply!



As I understand: SPWMI is just a master on STM32 MCU.
It does not have a slave receiver (or mode).

So, it cannot communicate with itself.

You might be able to test it with these single wire LED strips.

Thank you for your reply.

I have tested it and  really cannot communicate with itself.

Now, I want bypass  internal transceiver, and use SWPMI_TX、SWPMI_RX and SWPMI_SUSPEND signals  connect an external transceiver, I don't find the device which satisfy ETSI TS 102 613 tcchnical in .Could you please prodive the specific device(part number)  of external transceiver?