2016-02-08 4:43 AM
I am having problems when using SWD cables to read/write on my STM32F105RC MCU. The MCU is on a custom board. I connect with ST Link Utility but get the error ''Failed to read memory'' 0x080000xx. At each connect it gives error on different memory places. My cable-setup is: Pin on MCU:46 SWDIO, 49 SWCLK, POWER, GND. I know SWD cables is correct due to I have tested the two different F105RC MCU to rule out error on MCU. I have tested both MCU in a external EEprom burner (flash file to mcu also tested - ok). Possible errors:2016-02-08 8:48 AM
Do you have a circuit diagram? BOOTx pins just left floating? Any reset circuitry?
Does the behaviour change if you pull-up BOOT0?Connecting NRST to the debug interface is always strongly recommended, it would permit ''Connect under Reset'' options to be workable.Consider if the code already on the device puts it into a low power mode, or otherwise changes the GPIO pin configurations.2016-02-09 7:17 AM
Hi Clive!
Thanks for your ideas to resolve the problem. I do not have a a circuit diagram for this custom board. I have tried to pull-up BOOT0 and this made no difference. I tried the Connect under reset with Nreset pin 7 from MCU to ST Link/V2 but no difference. However, I can skip SWD for now. I need to flash the MCU and I was wondering how to get F105 into DFU-mode via USB to flash via Dfuse? I have tried but the PC recognize the board as unknow device in the device manager but can not get this into DFU-mode. PA10/PA11 goes from MCU to USB on the PCB. Question: Is it necessary to have PA9/USB_OTG_VBUS connected to +5V? The MCU is STM32F105RCT6 marked with information: GH27C 93 CHN GH 522 So, manufactured week 22 - 2015. I have a HSE 8 MHz on this board. The MCU is new. Do you have any idea regarding DFU mode? What do I need to do to get this working? Regards Daniel