2021-11-09 11:54 AM
Hi everyone!
Somebody here has a basic example for stream buffers on a single core devices? Preferably with use of interrupts.
Thanks a lot!
2021-11-09 1:08 PM
This is a pretty general concept. Isn't anything you send going to be in a buffer of some sort?
You don't mention what part family, or which interface you're using, but there should be examples in the relevant Cube repository for the family and interface of your choice.
2021-11-09 1:18 PM
Sorry, I have a DataLogger and I want create the stream buffer for it because the Rx Interrupts of CAN and UART delay the execution of tasks.
I use the STM32F215RGT uc.
2021-11-09 5:44 PM
Expect that you'll have to create some FIFO or RING BUFFER implementation.
Have the CAN and UART interrupts just buffer the data, and have another task, perhaps the foreground one, collect 8KB or 32KB blocks you can flush efficiently to a MicroSD, or whatever the backing storage is.