2014-01-09 12:26 PM
What exactly does marking a pin as SHIELD do?
#tsi-stmtouch2014-01-16 1:25 PM
The shield pin is used to drive an active shield (also called driven shield) plane.
The principle of a driven shield is to drive the shield plane with the same signal as the
electrode. There are several advantages of using a driven shield instead of a grounded one: o The parasitic capacitance between the electrode and the shield no longer needs to be charged. This offers an optimum sensitivity. o A driven shield is useful for certain applications where shielding may be required to: – Protect the touch electrodes from a noise source – Remove touch sensitivity from the cable or track between the electrode and the sensing MCU. – Increase system stability and performance when a moving metal part is close to the electrode.If you need further information, I invite you to have a look to the AN4312.
What exactly does marking a pin as SHIELD do?