2016-01-31 03:37 AM
I have recently installed STMStudio on my computer. The problem is that I can't launch the program. My operating system is Windows 8.1, I have installed Java JDK and JRE 8u71 in both 32bit and 64bit versions. Then I installed STMStudio v3.4. There is a .jar file that is supposed to be oppened by javaw aplication but it doesn't. I've tried many different ways to launch it: by shortcut, by .jar file, by command line. Up to this momment nothing works. Help, please. #stm-studio-installation-java-jre2016-02-01 02:23 AM
There is an issue with STMStudio-3.4 and JRE1.8: the shortcuts are wrongly computed by the installation setup. The path to javaw.exe is wrong. It has to be manually modified in order to point to javaw.exe of the 32-bits version of JRE. Do not modify the other parameters of the shortcut. A version 3.5 of the STMStudio is about to be delivered fixing this issue