2012-01-25 04:28 PM
The STM32F10x series of MCU's make use of the ARM Private Peripheral Bus address 0xE0042000 to implement a MCU IDCODE with a revision ID and a device ID. I am using the STM32W, and nowhere in the documentation can I find any mention of this being done. I would like this so that my flash programmer driver can identify which particular chip it is flashing (64/128/192/256kb).
Does anybody know or have any experience with whether or not the STM32W series have some sort of DEVICE ID hard coded into them? I know that these devices are nearly identical to the Ember EM351 & EM357 devices, the differences being RAM. The data sheets for those devices don't seem to indicate that they use the DBGMCU_IDCODE either, so if autodetecting the device is possible.Thanks,~Luke #arm-cortex-m3 #stm32 #stm32w