2010-11-05 12:07 PM
Hi, Why the pinout of the board is so protoboard unfriendly?
I had to tear apart my protoboard to make it work ok... take a look athttp://maujabur.blogspot.com/2010/11/stm32-discovery-pinout-fail.html
2010-11-05 03:39 PM
Yes - it is pretty daft, isn't it?!
If you look carefully at the left of this photo, you can see that I adopted exactly the solution as you: Here's a close-up:2010-11-11 10:16 PM
Not what I would call ''protoboard friendly'' for sure... But it wouldn't really be a big deal to lop the P3 pins off since they are not going to be mating anyway.
Just a thought :-)2010-11-11 11:08 PM
Still a pain if you actually wanted to use those pins...
Yes, the easiest ''fix'' for ST (without re-spinning the board) would be to simply not fit those pins.