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stm32L476RG RTC

Posted on February 13, 2016 at 06:56

I am new to stm32. I developed an RTC project, for stm32F446RE Nucleo, that displays date on 16x2 LCD, based on the HAL example. The project works fine. I tried to use the LL example, (to learn it too), to do the same thing on stm32L476RG Nucleo. The time is displayed right but I can not dynamically change the time as I was able with the HAL based project. I tried to use the set hour, minutes, day, month etc..  tried to use the Set_config, and even tried to use the same configuration routine I use at reset. Any insight in where I am going wrong?  thx

Posted on February 13, 2016 at 19:54

Short answer: no. 

Long answer: Chances are that no-one reading that has tried: using RTC with a display on an 446 and then moved to 476 and then ran into trouble writing the RTC. Only the person that has had THIS EXACT problem will be able to answer if you don't provide things like source code and hardware setup. 

Posted on February 13, 2016 at 20:23

The main.c file the LCD is the LCD1602 Arduino shield with data at pins D4-D7, D8 and D9 and EN and RS, and D10 is PWM for backlight.


Attachments :

main.c :