2017-07-06 11:06 PM
I use a STM32L4x6 with CubeMX 4.21 FW1.8.0 as a USB device. At some points I want to put the MCU in STOPx-Mode.
How do I prepare the USB-Stack before entering STOP-Mode ?
2017-07-16 11:25 PM
Any ideas ?
2017-07-17 3:36 PM
Dear HW,
To keep USB communication active and following the USB host stacks, you need to use Suspend/ Resume features and remote wake-up if a HID device, offered in our Libraries and examples.
2017-07-17 10:58 PM
Thanks for your reply!
I want to cut the connection from the USB-Device side gracefully and then enter STOP-Mode.
So what functions do I have to call prior entering STOP-Mode? USBD_Stop and USBD_DeInit?