2016-07-12 2:19 AM
I am working with an external flash and I wanted to store the lastest memory address after the power cut off and fetch back the stored memory address when power on. So, how should I do it ? Is it done by write into the EEPROM of the chip or is there any ways to do it?Is there any EEPROM example code provided by ST? Because I am using STM32CubeL0 to learn, but I did not find any example code related to EEPROM.2016-07-13 7:22 PM
Thanks for the reply Clive! So is kind of putting the chip in a sleep mode instead of totally cut off the power?
2016-07-13 9:38 PM
2016-07-13 10:11 PM
My flash is refered to a external NVM flash not the flash in the chip itself. Sorry I did not make that point clear. So the idea is :
1)store current data into NVM flash memory ( probably store a new data every 5 min)2)before power off store the last written NVM address memory in to EEPROM3)after restart use for-loop find back the last written NVM address memory from EEPROM As continue writting data all the memory address will be full.So, my problem now is when is the good time to erase the old data?