2024-03-13 7:25 PM
I start a new project using STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.14.1 and select STM32L052K6T6.
All I change is the MSI_RC clock setting to be 65.536kHz. This causes all the other clocks to change to this same freq.
I program the device and step through - execution freezes in SystemClock_Config.
I believe the problem is related to the system tick timer. I note that in the NVIV config code generation tab that the "Call HAL Handler: option is ticked by default. If I untick this, then SystemClock_Config executes.
I think all the handler does is to increment the tick:
void SysTick_Handler(void)
Maybe the core frequency is too low to execute the tick handler?
Do I need the system tick at all? I think the HAL_ADC_DeInit uses it.
Can I slow the tick down to some slow value so it doesn't overwhelm the processor?
Am I even asking the right question?
2024-03-13 8:40 PM
Executing once every 65 cycles probably isn't going to end well. Would probably disable and find a different way to count milliseconds. Perhaps a TIM
2024-03-13 9:12 PM
Hope neither your Telsa nor DeLorean rust :)
I agree that an interrupt every 65 cycles is not great. I don't need the tick at all but many of the HAL functions seem to reference the tick.
Since my last post, I found that changing the TimeBase source to TIM02 at least got me through the SystemClock_Config.
But, other functions that use the tick are still not completing.
How do I disable using the congurator?
How do I tell all the HAL functions to use the TIM as count source?