2014-11-07 1:50 AM
Hi Guys,
I´m trying to compile a simple custom project in GreenHills but I´m getting some kind of problems.I´m developing a project with STM32L0C52 uC.core_cm0plus.h#if defined ( __CC_ARM )
#define __ASM __asm /*!< asm keyword for ARM Compiler */
#define __INLINE __inline /*!< inline keyword for ARM Compiler */
#define __STATIC_INLINE static __inline
core_cmFunc.h__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t __get_CONTROL(void)
{ register uint32_t __regControl __ASM(''control''); return(__regControl);}2014-11-07 8:00 AM
__CC_ARM is defined for ARM (Keil & RealView) compilers.
You will need to create some suitable MACROs or DEFINEs for GHS, for the inline function, and inline assembler directives. Given the amount of a GHS license perhaps you should get their support staff to walk you through integration of ARM CMSIS libraries? Check also your compiler documentation. Not a lot of GHS MULTI users here, perhaps some are lurking?