2012-05-11 2:26 AM
i am working on the STM32L and i have a problem with the lcd, no matter wich programm i am testing it's not working the programm hangs in the function LCD_Init() at : /*!< Wait Until the LCD Booster is ready */ while(LCD_GetFlagStatus(LCD_FLAG_RDY) == RESET) i tried to reboot the stm32l but still not working is there something i can do to fix it ? or is it out of use ?2017-06-18 12:04 AM
I have the same problem.
Did you solve it?2017-06-18 8:10 AM
Reopening 5-year old, no answer threads is probably not going to get the solution you seek.
Please open a new question that states your problem and situation clearly and completely. Provide details of specific board, chip, tools, and software versions in question.