2017-09-21 10:46 AM
the STM32H753bi.pdf datasheet Rev1 tells on page 2:
3× ADCs with 16-bit max. resolution (14 bits2.7 MSPS, 16 bits 168 kSPS)
This would imply a 14-bit SAR adc and 16 bit as a result of oversampling.
In chapter 6.3.20 16-bit ADC characteristics on page 157 of the dataheet however a sampling rate of 3.6 MSPS for 16-bit is given. This implies a 16-bit SAR block.
What holds?
2017-09-28 6:32 AM
Can somebody clarify?
2017-09-28 7:59 AM
In fact, it is a
16-bit SAR and w
e are updating in the next datasheet version the first/
data mentioned on page 2.Thanks and Kind Regards
2018-04-05 2:41 AM
The STM32H743xI Reference manual (RM0433) section 25.3.13 'Channel-wise programmable sampling time (SMPR1, SMPR2) -> Constraints on the sampling time for fast and slow channels' says:For each channel, SMP[2:0] bits must be programmed to respect a minimum sampling time as specified in the ADC characteristics section of the datasheets.But the STM32H743xI datasheet Rev.3 section 6.3.20 '16-bit ADC characteristics' not contain the specification for slow channels.For example, the STM32L496xx datasheet the accuracy, sampling rate etc. is specified for both ADC channelsIn addition, Table 78. 'ADC accuracy' (ENOB, SINAD, SNR, THD) not contain information about analog input frequency.Is it possible to obtain more detail data on the STH32H7 ADC performance?Thanks
2018-04-29 10:02 AM
Am assigning pins and would like to know the fast / slow ADC channel characteristics. Please provide info. or timeline. Thanks.
2018-05-03 2:33 AM
I applied to ST online technical support and their response was:
''In fact there is a typo in the datasheet. ''Fast'' should be replaced by ''Slow''
in the last line in the table in the datasheet as shown by the attached image.
This will be corrected in the next version of the datasheet.''
2018-05-05 9:44 AM
Thank you! Does anyone know the timeline for the next datasheet version?
2018-06-07 4:44 AM
We corrected this typo in the ''ADC characteristics'' table for the STM32H753xI datasheet Rev4 which is available since 18-May-2018.
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
With Regards,