2023-08-18 3:44 AM
Hello community,
we made a nice project with TouchGFX and STM32G071C8. We needed increase flash memory. We change mcu to STM32G0B1CE.
I cannot this mcu programming over SWD. I use various STM ARMs, has never been such a problem. I test two new mcu with the same result. I checked waveform signals, reseting modes, speed, programmer FW, i have read a test all advice from forums. I decode protokol - without response from MCU. - No STM targed found.
Response on SWDIO from mcu is nothing (it is still HI). The mcu is only on power supply, all GPIO are free, but consuption is interesting: 12mA, by holding NRESET was 1,5mA. Both pieces.
Please can You me help?
2023-08-18 4:11 AM - edited 2023-08-18 4:11 AM
Welcome @prekop, to the community!
Which hardware tool do you use to program the STM32G0B1CE?
2023-08-18 4:59 AM
Thanks, i use original ST-LINK/V2, then also ST-LINK/V2 M89. The waveforms look good.
Data flow: 60 SWCLK pulse, then inicialization message (switch JTAG to SWD 0b0111100111100111) then 60 pulse, and then message READID without reaction. I compare on same board with STM32G071C8.
2023-08-18 5:32 AM
If these are not the counterfeits in colourful tin cans, can you please post a photo (front and back) of your ST-LINK/V2.
2023-08-18 6:01 AM
2023-08-18 1:02 PM - edited 2023-08-18 11:14 PM
The ST-LINK/V2 in the tin can is a counterfeit that cannot be supported by the software tools from STMicroelectronics because it is built differently and there is a fake STM32 in there, usually even with different or no marking.
Try updating the firmware of the ST-LINK/V2 in the white housing with the current STM32CubeProg. Does it show a serial number when you try to connect?
2023-08-20 11:41 PM
Thank You for reply. I update one more time firmware to last version V2J41S7 without results. I test also debuger from Nucleo board. All three debugers have unique ID. All three debugers have the same start serial sequence (SWD).
I don't know how to proceed further, I'm desperate.
2023-08-21 1:46 AM - edited 2023-08-21 1:46 AM
The most recent firmware version is V2J42S7 for both ST-LINK/V2 (Stand-alone) and ST-LINK/V2-1 (NUCLEO64).
2023-08-21 6:19 AM
I test V2J42S7 also V2J43S7 without success. Without response on SWD sequence.
2023-08-21 7:02 AM
Please try to tackle the problem step by step:
If an ST-LINK can be connected to STM32CubeProg via Connect, it is initially functional in principle. The next step would be to check the software (version numbers?) with which you are having problems.