2018-06-12 1:07 AM
I try run a USB CDC on my eval board using USB FS. I generate from cubeMX a code with CDC, set a clocks (HCLK sets on 216MHz and 120MHz but USB clk on 48MHz) A clear code from cubeMx should cause that windows find a virtual com port in device manager but it isn't like that. On oscilloscope i don't see any signal on D+ and D-... I checked a RCC register but I saw that clock for USB FS is enable. I connected a usb fs on my PC and laptop where I have windows 10 and PC where is linux ubuntu.
Did anyone have a problem either with USB CDC on stm32f7 disco using USB FS?
In attachment is a my configurtion from cubeMx.
Best Regards,
2018-06-13 12:02 AM
seems to be problem with vbus sensing
in USB_OTG_FS_Configuration try to disable VBUS sensing
on STM32F7discovery signal OTG_FS_VBUS is not connected to CPU (R63 not assembled),
CPU Pin is used by VCP_TX (R64)2018-06-14 1:06 PM
Do you see any error in the Device Manager, in the Port section?
I am looking for errors like this: 'Device Could not start. Code 10'
I am not experienced in STM32 and Windows 10.
I managed to setup many STM32 (F1, F4) VCOM on Windows 7, Windows 8.1 on 64 bit machine (usually 64 bitters cause many issues)..
What I usually do (CubeMX & Keil)
1. Install current VCOM drivers (now it's version 1.5.0) - I tested it with STM32F4 today on W8.1 64bits (Device Manager shows 1.4.0 version). But the repository shows separate exe file for W10.
2. CubeMX settings for F4
USB_OTG_FS=Device OnlyUSB_DEVICE=CDC device3. CubeMX: Set stack per your needs (not related to the USB issues)
4. CubeMx: Set Heap=0x800 (at least) - this one is IMPORTANT5. Keil: usbd_cdc.h - this one is IMPORTANT
#define CDC_DATA_HS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 643. Keil: usdb_cdc_if.c (not sure if these settings below are required, many USB trainings show this as requirement)
#define APP_RX_DATA_SIZE 64#define APP_TX_DATA_SIZE 642018-06-15 1:29 AM
'Starting from Windows® 10, the STSW-STM32102 driver is no more adequate and the usage of the native inbox driver is recommended.'...on my PC Windows 10 Pro x64
in device manager -> USB Serial Port (COMxx) -> right click -> propertiestab general
USB Serial Device (COM xx)
manufacturer: Microsofttab driver
driver provider : Microsoft
driver date: 21.06.2006driver version: 10.0.16299.334signiture: Microsoft Windowsdriver details
I use compiler GCC, cubeMX generated code for STM32F7discovery (changed VBUS sensing to disable)2018-06-15 1:40 AM
I have VBUS sensing disabled.
Yes, you right if it comes to W10. My fault.