2016-08-19 1:01 AM
Hi all,
I need to interface with a common IC which needs to have the NSS low during the complete message of 32 clocks. I have all working, DMA is triggered by a timer and fills the SPI data register with the complete message. However I don't succeed in having the NSS stay low during the 32 clocks. NSS goes high after 8 or 16 clocks (depending on datasize):2016-09-23 8:34 AM
It looks like the NSS pulse mode is enabled (NSSP=1) or the driver disable the SPI after each data transaction. These both setting can force the NSS HW to high between data. If the DMA is set to sure number of data greater than one, the SPI transaction (clock signal) should be continuous suppose there is no other DMA or bus activity limiting the DMA sufficient bandwidth to handle the SPI events at time (it depends mainly on ratio between SCK clock and the IP pclk clock).Regards2016-11-04 2:59 AM
I have investigated a lot. It is just not possible to have a number of clocks different from 8 or 16. This makes the peripheral useless for a lot of SPI components (like EEprom). Fortunately in my case the external SPI ADC I use just ignores extra clocks.Hope this peripheral will be better next time.Best regards