2017-06-30 1:47 AM
I have the following issue when using the attached code:
the computer dosent receive anything
i send from the computer '11
'the board reply is ABCD
basically there is one step delay between receiving/sending the message
the code in the main is shown below
int main(void)
{ MPU_Config(); CPU_CACHE_Enable();&sharpifdef RTE_CMSIS_RTOS // when using CMSIS RTOS osKernelInitialize(); // initialize CMSIS-RTOS&sharpendif HAL_Init(); BSP_SDRAM_Init(); /* Configure the System clock to have a frequency of 216 MHz */ SystemClock_Config(); myGPIO_Init(); myNVIC_Init(); myADC_Init(); myUART_Init();...
//&sharpifdef RTE_CMSIS_RTOS // when using CMSIS RTOS
Init_GUIThread(); osKernelStart(); // start thread execution //&sharpendif // startFIFO(); myTime = HAL_GetTick(); for(cnt=0; cnt<7;cnt++) TxBuffer[cnt] = cnt+65; TxBuffer[7] = '\n'; SendToXbee(8);while (1)
{Battery_Val = getBattery();
if(HAL_GetTick() > myTime) { myToogle = !myToogle; if(myToogle){ //XBeeOn; myRxSize = Xbee_available(); if(myRxSize){ printf('Buffer has %d bytes\r\n', myRxSize); for(cnt = 0; cnt < myRxSize; cnt++) TxBuffer[cnt] = Xbee_get(); TxBuffer[cnt++] = '\r'; TxBuffer[cnt++] = '\n'; SendToXbee(myRxSize+2); } //printf('DMA data remaining: %d \r\n', myDMA_Remain); //sprintf((char *)TxBuffer, 'Battery Value is %d \r\n', Battery_Val); //SendToXbee(TxBuffer, sizeof(TxBuffer)); }else { //XBeeOff; } myTime += 50; }osDelay(10);
Can anyone help me to understand what i am doing wrong?
Thank you
#dma #uart #ring-buffer #stm32f7-discovery