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STM32F4Disovery - New to embedded programming

Associate II
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 09:22

I have recently got my hands on an STM32F4Disovery board for one of my project requirements. I am supposed to use it with a transceiver and be able to transmit packet. Although I have done a bit of programming, it is my first time that I would be programming on a microcontroller.

So, I am confused on how and where to start. I have tried to go through the user manual and data sheet of the board but they seem to be pretty exhaustive and too specific for a beginner like me. I also looked up a few tutorials online which give you a step by step instruction of what we should do for a blinking LED.

However, I believe in doing all things by myself by reading into resources. I was wondering if someone could suggest such references so that I can start programming my STM32. I started reading ''The definitive guide to the ARM Cortex M3 by Joseph Yiu'' and have also found '' Discovering the STM32 Microcontroller by Geoffrey Brown''.  Is it advisable to refer to the above two or is there any book for dummies like me?
Posted on July 15, 2015 at 18:40

Both those would augment the Reference Manual, and the ARM Technical Reference Manuals

For embedded you might want to look at

In general programming in the embedded fields requires strong existing C programming skill, micro-processors, and computer systems architecture.

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